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Aufnahme Datum 2020-12-25


Beyond the Patterns






Lehrstuhl für Informatik 5 (Mustererkennung)


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

It’s a great pleasure to welcome Prof. Dr. Manami Sasaki for an invited talk on Cosmic Structures

Abstract: The universe contains structures on all scales, from large systems of clusters of galaxies to smallest systems like stars and planets. The study of these organized structures allows us to understand how the matter in the universe is distributed and how it has developed, how galaxies have formed and changed, how stars form and evolve in galaxies, and how the different types of structures influence each other. I will present examples of these cosmic structures and what observations and numerical simulations reveal about their properties and evolution.

Short Bio: Manami Sasaki studied Physics at the Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg. After working as a doctoral student at the Max-Planck-Institute for extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, where she studied the X-ray source population in the largest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, the Magellanic Clouds, she obtained the degree of Dr. rer. nat. in Astronomy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.She continued her research in Astronomy and Astrophysics as a postdoc at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, USA, and as an Emmy Noether junior research group leader at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, before she became a professor for Multiwavelength Astronomy at the FAU.

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Music Reference: 
Damiano Baldoni - Thinking of You (Intro)

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