23 - Beyond the Patterns - Anton Batliner - Moving to a World Beyond p < 0.05/ClipID:30641 vorhergehender Clip nächster Clip

Schlüsselworte: beyond the patterns
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Aufnahme Datum 2021-04-08


Beyond the Patterns






Lehrstuhl für Informatik 5 (Mustererkennung)


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

We welcome Dr. Anton Batliner back to the Pattern Recognition Lab. In his presentation, he will inform us on the problems of worshipping the excessive use of significance testing.

Abstract: Null Hypothesis Testing (NHT) with p-values as decisive criteria has been criticized from its very beginning, back in the last century. The American Statistical Association published two position papers in 2016 and 2019, questioning its role in science and envisioning a “World Beyond p < 0.05“. Yet, NHT as ritual prevails until today. We will describe the shortcomings of NHT and sketch alternative ways of evaluating results such as explorative statistics, bootstrapping, and confidence intervals.

Short Bio: ANTON BATLINER received his doctor degree in Phonetics in 1978 at LMU Munich. He has been with the Institute for Nordic Languages and the Institute for German Philology, both at LMU Munich, the IMS at Stuttgart University, the Pattern Recognition Lab at FAU Erlangen, the Institute for Human-Machine Communication at TUM, the Chair of Complex and Intelligent Systems, University of Passau, and the Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing at University of Augsburg. He is co-editor/author of two books and author/co-author of more than 300 technical articles, with an h-index of 48 and >11000 citations. His main research interests are all (cross-linguistic) aspects of prosody and (computational) paralinguistics. He repeatedly served as co-organiser for Workshops/Sessions/Challenges on emotion and other paralinguistic events at LREC, ICPhS, Speech Prosody, and Interspeech. He was guest editor for AHCI, CSL, and Speech Communication, Associated Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, as well as reviewer for numerous leading journals, conferences, and workshops.

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Music Reference: 
Damiano Baldoni - Thinking of You (Intro)
Damiano Baldoni - Poenia (Outro)

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