Date: Wed. February 1, 2023
Event: FAU MoD Lecture
Organized by: FAU MoD , Research Center for Mathematics of Data at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Nick Trefethen
Affiliation: University of Oxford
[Session 1] Main lecture: Applications of AAA Rational Approximation
Abstract. For the first time, a method has recently become available for fast computation of near-best rational approximations on arbitrary sets in the real line or complex plane: the AAA algorithm (Nakatsukasa-Sete-T. 2018). We will present the algorithm and then demonstrate a number of applications, including
• detection of singularities
• model order reduction
• analytic continuation
• functions of matrices
• nonlinear eigenvalue problems
• interpolation of equispaced data
• smooth extension of multivariate real functions
• extrapolation of ODE and PDE solutions into the complex plane
• solution of Laplace problems
• conformal mapping
• Wiener-Hopf factorization
(joint work with Stefano Costa and others)
*This is the first session of the FAU MoD lecture by Prof. Trefethen.
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