8 - Daniele Fausti - Quantum spectroscopies for quantum materials/ClipID:48349 vorhergehender Clip

Aufnahme Datum 2023-02-07




Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 306/1: Quantenkooperativität von Licht und Materie - QuCoLiMa


Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 306/1: Quantenkooperativität von Licht und Materie - QuCoLiMa

Daniele Fausti - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Quantum spectroscopies for quantum materials  

The rich phase diagrams of many complex quantum materials (CQM) is the result of the intricate interplay between electrons, phonons, and magnons. This makes CQMs very susceptible to external parameters such as pressure, doping, magnetic field, and temperature that can in turn be used to finely tune their properties. The same susceptibility makes them the ideal playground to design experiments where the interaction between tailored electromagnetic fields and matter can trigger the onset of new, sometimes exotic, physical properties and disclose a new regime of physics where thermodynamic limits may be bridged and quantum effects can, in principle, appear at ambient conditions.

In this presentation, I will review our results in archetypal strongly correlated cuprate superconductors which demonstrate the feasibility of a light-based control of quantum phases in real materials. I will then introduce our new approaches to time domain spectroscopy going beyond mean photon number observables and show that the statistical features of light can provide information on time dependent fluctuations and interactions, underling materials’ functionalities, which are not visible in standard linear and non-linear optical spectroscopies. I will elaborate on how strong light-matter coupling can be used to control the functionalities in CQM, describe the platform we recently developed to embed solid state samples into resonant optical cavities, and show how the hybridization of light and matter can be used to control the metal-insulator transition temperature in 1T-TaS2. Finally, I will discuss the prospect of “forcing” the formation of quantum coherent states in matter by a direct time dependent control of fluctuations.

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QuCoLiMa Talks are the weekly seminar of the collaborative research center TRR 306 QuCoLiMa (Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter). The talks are given by (external) experts, whose research falls within the scope of QuCoLiMa.

More information at www.qucolima.de/talks

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