Quantum communication from space and on ground
In recent years the use of quantum mechanics to enhance information processing has been studied both on a fundamental and on a technical level. From a general view this contains the ability to solve complex problems with quantum computers or to enhance the sensitivity in sensing. Crucial in most of these tasks is the transfer of quantum states. Quantum communication is challenging as quantum states tend to decay when interacting with their environment. While enabling the connection of future quantum computers, quantum communication also offers novel methods in cryptography, that in contrast to currently deployed cryptographic algorithms can offer a quantification of security at its core.
I will present conceptual and experimental progress towards quantum communication infrastructure on ground.
Quantum communication from space enables world-wide long term secure communication by using satellite-based quantum key distribution. At the same time it enables the possibility to study the propagation of quantum states under extreme conditions. I will highlight and explain both aspects and present long term challenges and current ongoing activities, including the first German quantum communication satellite that has been launched recently.