How is esoteric knowledge transmitted in contemporary societies where communication technologies allow all kinds of information to circulate and be disclosed to an ever-wider audience? For instance, the young generations in Taiwan can learn about the complex and obscure Chinese tradition of divination through various channels: get personally acquainted with a specialist who agrees to transmit their knowledge and skills, attend a six-month course on horoscopy along with other fellow classmates, or learn the techniques in didactic handbooks and apply them using do-it-yourself manuals or apps. Why and how to engage in a master-disciple relationship when even the most esoteric traditions are available on the Internet and can be shared and discussed in forums, blogs, and social media? Do information technologies dilute the potential of the dyadic relationship between a master and their student or do they make it even more relevant?
On June 28-29, 2021, Stéphanie Homola, SDAC Assistant Professor for Anthropology hosted an SDAC / IKGF joint workshop with a variety of speakers to approach and discuss these questions about esoteric practices and the master-disciple relationship in the digital age.