Session 5 (11 May) 6.3 - Jupyter Notebooks as a powerful tool for teaching in Chemical Engineering (Samir Salameh - University of Bremen)/ClipID:32799 vorhergehender Clip

Aufnahme Datum 2021-05-11






Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

By combining the two worlds of written documents and coding environments, Jupyter Notebook offers a hugh variety for explaining and training concepts of chemical engineering to students. In this way Jupyter Notebook can be used to explain theoretical and practical knowledge in a very apparent and comprehensible way, creates an environment for students to train these concepts in their own speed of learning, or give them full exercises to challenge their knowledge. By designing their own Notebooks students can independently work on topics of interest within the lecture. Therefore, we want to share our experiences in this talk of using Jupyter Notebook as an excellent tool for (online) teaching in chemical engineering classes during the last year.

Dr. Samir Salameh worked as a Project Leader in R&D for Saint Gobain Sekurit in terms of tempered glass and functional coatings. He studied Industrial Engineering and Management at the University of Bremen, where he focused on particle technology for a PhD in the group of Prof. Lutz Mädler. His major research topic are physical forces on the nanoscale which he continued as a Post-Doc in the group of Ruud van Ommen at the TU Delft. During this time he got a scholarship to visit various research group around the globe and gave seminars. He frequently attends in science communication events such as Science Slams, or the Science sets Sail project hosted by the FAU in 2017. Recently he is preparing his way back to academia with a focus on teaching.

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