Steven M. Girvin – Yale University
Introduction to Circuit QED: Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Processing with Microwave Photons
Circuit quantum electrodynamics is the theory of non-linear quantum optics extended to the study of individual microwave photons strongly interacting with artificial atoms (Josephson junction qubits) embedded in superconducting electrical circuits. Recent remarkable theoretical and experimental progress in our ability to measure and manipulate the quantum states of microwave photons is leading to novel applications ranging from accelerating dark matter searches to quantum error correction that, for the first time in any technology, has successfully extended the lifetime of quantum information. This talk will present an elementary introduction to the basic concepts underlying circuit QED and describe experiments on a small bosonic quantum simulator that uses efficient boson sampling to compute optical vibronic spectra of triatomic molecules.
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QuCoLiMaTalks are the weekly seminar of the collaborative research center TRR 306 QuCoLiMa (Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter).
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More information at www.qucolima.de/talks