Peter Rabl – TU Vienna
Supercorrelated decay of atoms in a nonlinear medium
In this talk I will first discuss the collective decay of an ensemble of atoms or other two-level emitters that are coupled to a highly nonlinear medium, for example, a nanophotonic lattice or a superconducting resonator array with strong photon-photon interactions. I will explain how this setting can give rise to novel cooperative effects beyond Dicke superradiance and can even lead to a perfectly correlated decay, where all the atoms are either in the excited or in the ground state, but not in any of the intermediate configurations. In the second part of the talk, I will then briefly describe an efficient numerical technique for simulating the dynamics of interacting spin ensembles in the presence of individual dephasing and decay. This method is particularly well-suited to model cooperative and other cavity QED effects with many thousands of two-level systems under realistic experimental conditions.
[1] Z. Wang, T. Jaako, P. Kirton, and P. Rabl, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 213601 (2020)
[2] J. Huber, A. M. Rey, and P. Rabl, arXiv:2105.00004 (2021)
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QuCoLiMaTalks are the weekly seminar of the collaborative research center TRR 306 QuCoLiMa (Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter).
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More information at www.qucolima.de/talks