Síle Nic Chormaic - OIST Graduate University, Okinawa, Japan
Optical Nanofibres and Cold Rubidium Atoms
The use of optical nanofibres, that is silica optical fibres with a subwavelength diameter, in quantum systems is already well-documented with a large number of theoretical and experimental studies reported during the last two decades. Optical nanofibres can provide very high intensity electric fields with a very steep field gradient at their surface. Such an electric field can be used to study spin-selection rules in single-frequency, two-photon excitation via non-paraxial light or electric quadrupole excitations in atomic systems. Here, I will discuss our recent work on integration of Rydberg atoms with optical nanofibres with the aim of designing a 1D chain of Rydberg with interactions mediated via the nanofibre. I will also show how machine learning can optimize the trap occupancy in fibre-based dipole traps and present some nanofibre based cavity designs suitable for cavity QED.
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QuCoLiMa Talks are regular seminars of the collaborative research center TRR 306 QuCoLiMa (Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter), where (external) experts are invited to present their work.
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