Andreas Nunnenkamp - Universität Wien
Directional amplification and non-Hermitian topology
Directional amplification, in which signals are selectively amplified depending on their propagation direction, has attracted much attention as a key resource for applications, including quantum information processing. I will present a unifying framework based on non-Hermitian topology to understand non-reciprocity and directional amplification in driven-dissipative cavity arrays. Specifically, I will unveil a one-to-one correspondence between a non-zero topological invariant defined on the spectrum of the dynamic matrix and regimes of directional amplification, in which the end-to-end gain grows exponentially with the number of cavities. I will then show that this correspondence also holds in the presence of disorder as long as the size of the point gap is larger than the disorder. Finally, I will show how to restore the bulk-boundary correspondence for one paradigmatic class of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. Our work opens up new avenues in topological photonics and non-Hermitian phases of matter.
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