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Aufnahme Datum 2024-10-16






Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Date: Wed. October 16, 2024
Event: FAU MoD Lecture
Event type: On-site / Online
Organized by: FAU MoD, the Research Center for Mathematics of Data at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)

FAU MoD Lecture: Discovering and Communicating Excellence. Raising awareness and developing competence on the topic of excellence and gender for postdocs and actors in university communication
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer
Affiliation: Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

Abstract. Various studies provide evidence that women and men are perceived and evaluated differently in their scientific achievements. Male scientists tend to be favoured over their female colleagues. This male bias in the perception of performance and excellence is one of the reasons why many capable and talented female academics leave the higher education system, meaning that their potential in research and teaching is lost.

Linked to this “drop-out” is the observation that women as postdocs or junior professors are often only insufficiently visible (or made visible) and are therefore less likely than their male colleagues to be recognised as innovators by the public and their discipline – a “gender visibility gap” can be diagnosed here. But what is actually perceived as scientific “excellence” – and what do younger scientists understand by it? Where and how can and should they and their achievements be (made) visible?

The lecture presents results on the topics and questions mentioned from an interview study and workshops at various universities as part of the ongoing research and practice project EXENKO (www.exzellenz-entdecken.de) led by the speaker. The focus is also on a group that has so far received little attention in studies and equality policy projects and that can support the process of making research talents visible: The actors in university communication who work at the interface between science and the public.

See more details of this FAU MoD lecture at:





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